by Jake AronoffDunbar & Schultz take on the ambitious and contested explanation for why primates have unusually large brains. They posit that this was driven by group size and complexity. As they reason to this conclusion, they highlight how previous literature on the subject of evolutionary brain growth has unfortunately only focused on restraints to brain growth rather than selective pressures acting on this. Their analysis examines both qualitative and quantitative social bonds, taking them from highlighting pair-bonding as a driver of brain growth in vertebrates (qualitative) to the evidently unique association of group size and complexity with brain size found in primates (quantitative). They reason that in vertebrates, pair-bonding acted as a selective pressure on brain growth. However, in primates, this level of bonding became present between non-potential mates. Thus, as the type of bonds found among mates of a pair-bonded species emerged in primates among non-mating members, group size and complexity became the selective pressure on primate brain size instead of pair-bonding, as observed in other vertebrates.
A strength I found with this article was its aim to move away from constraint explanations for brain growth, rightly highlighting the fact that just because an organism can evolve a larger brain does not mean this will be the case. A good example of this problem is in the “Expensive Tissue Hypothesis” by Aiello & Wheeler (1995). They reason that a reduction in the human gut allowed for an increase in brain size, and they create ratios of expected versus observed energy demands per major organ in different primate species. This led them to find that while other major organs in humans were observed similarly to their expected energy demands, the human gut required much less energy than expected while the brain required much more than expected. They concluded that there was a pretty clean “swap” of energy demands from the gut to the brain. However, while this is interesting, the authors were criticized for the very same thing Dunbar & Schultz mention; they explained lifting constraints, but there was no reason for why this energy would be going towards a larger brain. To be fair, the authors responded by saying they were only suggesting that this created a “prime allower” for brain growth, and that they were not suggesting a “prime mover” for brain growth. I think this highlights why constraint research can be valuable as a complement to research on primate (and specifically human in this case) brain growth (side note; there is still controversy over the cause for human gut size reduction, while Aiello & Wheeler posit meat eating, Wrangham posits cooking). Another point certainly worthy of mention in this article is its call for niche construction research, though this is only very briefly mentioned. They claim that, “In effect, we are dealing explicitly with multi-level selection and the long-overlooked topic of niche construction” (1346). Mackinnon & Fuentes (2012) carry this torch much further. They define niche construction as “modification of the functional relationship between organisms and their environment by actively changing one of the factors in that environment” (73). They explain the mind-numbingly complex continuous interactions between primates and their social and ecological environments, in which they can strategically alter their environment, which then at the same time acts upon their evolutionary fitness. Applying this to what Dunbar & Schultz are claiming, primates form groups not in the interest of immediate personal fitness, but in the interest of long-term payoffs in fitness (reduced predation is one example provided) that lead to overall net fitness gains for the individuals over the course of their lifetime, which is made possible by group fitness (the authors mention a “trickle-down” effect going from group fitness to individual fitness). After making vast species comparisons of pair-bonding and brain size, Dunbar & Schultz find that primates are unique, in that there is not a significant difference between pair-bonding species and non-pair-bonding species in relation to brain size. This leads them to the conclusion that primates must utilize the type of bonds seen in pair-bonds of mates of other vertebrate species with non-mates. However, one problem with this (I am hesitant to call this a weakness, as the authors bring it up themselves) is the difficulty in understanding and studying “bonded-ness”. In understanding bonded-ness in humans, the authors warn against what they have observed, in which researchers attempt to put forth a single hormone or single gene to explain bonded-ness. Rather, they note the likely complexity and many contributions influencing the unique bonds among and between primates. In the interest of studying bonded-ness from a neuroanthropological perspective, it may prove insightful to utilize the combination of ethnographic work (attempting to capture the meanings crafted by individuals regarding their bonds) along with research tools provided by neuroscience such as fMRI’s. If this produces any noteworthy findings, then studies of the brains of other primates could add another element through comparisons with humans. For example, Dunbar & Schultz note the limits of ethology, as what is going on inside the animal is left much to question. However, if studies of human understanding and meaning making regarding their bonds (both with mates and non-mates), combined with neuroscience methodology (such as brain scanning), these findings could potentially be applied to other primate species in order to (very roughly) approximate understanding and meaning making in other primates, thus capturing what has been elusive to ethologists in understanding what is going on inside the animal. Sources: Aiello, L. C., & Wheeler, P. (1995). The expensive-tissue hypothesis: the brain and the digestive system in human and primate evolution. Current Anthropology, 199-221. Dunbar, R. I., & Shultz, S. (2007). Evolution in the social brain. Science, 317(5843), 1344-1347. MacKinnon, K. C., & Fuentes, A. (2012). Primate social cognition, human evolution, and niche construction: a core context for neuroanthropology. The encultured brain, ed. Daniel H. Lende and Greg Downey, 67-102. Wrangham, R. (2009). Catching fire: How cooking made us human. Basic Books.
Jessica Muzzo
1/26/2016 07:57:55 pm
Dunbar and Schultz start out by saying that large brains were not selected for sensory or technical competence, but to deal with the "computational demands" of living in large societies. The large brain provides the necessary tools for group cohesion, behavior coordination and to diffuse tensions within the group.
Jessica Muzzo
2/26/2016 01:12:28 pm
Dunbar and Schultz mention that brain size correlates with technical innovation and new food sources, and suggest that this might mean the need for flexible foraging skills was more influential than the need for social skills in driving human brain evolution. The expensive tissue hypothesis states that as brains grew more and more energetically costly, cuts had to be made to the metabolic expenditure of the whole body. This happened by simplifying the gut and reducing its size. With a reduced stomach, however, the digestive track could no longer break down coarse fibers, so humans had to begin finding more easily digestible foods. In order to find more easily digestible foods, humans had to rely on more and more complex foraging strategies. These complex foraging strategies required group interaction, and also contributed an additional selective pressure for those who could accomplish more complex foraging tasks.
Kelly Likos
1/27/2016 05:57:57 am
I found this article exceedingly interesting, specifically the explanations of social structure in relation to brain size. The idea that larger brains were selected for along with traits that contribute to group cohesion is a fascinating relationship. Group cohesion is a must for a productive primate living. Niche construction allows the environment and the “functional relationship” of the organism to work together through changes in the environment. Individuals in the environment must promote niche construction in order to be considered a part of the group. This dynamic between sociality and cognition takes interest when considering these evolutionary patterns. As stated by Mackinnon and Fuentes, “for all primates, physical and emotional bonding and social attachment are crucial for the healthy development of the central nervous system” (70). This notion makes me curious as to how behavioral plasticity plays a part in development. West-Eberheard says, “behavioral plasticity is simply a product of successful adaptations”. If these specific adaptations revolve around ecological and social pressures, behavioral plasticity relies on the relationship between the pressures. A fascinating thought.
Kelly Likos
3/1/2016 06:41:56 pm
In retrospect, this article now fascinates me for different reasons. The aspects of social cognition and brain development now hold the majority of my interest. It was very interest to re-read about how an increased social complexity can have a positive correlation with larger social group is certain primate species.
Nick Roy
1/27/2016 06:04:04 am
One of the more pressing questions left unsolved in science is how and why did we, humans, develop highly complex and elaborate brains. The vast majority of life on earth has survived and reproduced fine without culture, language, or any of the other traits we think of as exclusive to humanity. So, if big brains appear superfluous, why did we develop them? Dunbar & Shultz (2007) attempt to answer this paradox by positing that the selective pressure to form larger groups necessitated a more complex brain that could handle all of the complicated nuances and convoluted schemas of a large group of interacting members. This is referred to as the Social Brain Hypothesis. The authors further say that it was pairbonding that was the larger contributor to this model, not necessarily group size. Personally, I found their argument to be persuasive though there are many more questions left unanswered. For example, might the Social Brain Hypothesis explain the development of language?
Nick Roy
2/29/2016 11:17:05 am
Returning to the question I asked a month ago, there is still many unanswered questions regarding the development of language in humans. While not unique to humans, language is certainly one of the most important "tools' in our cognitive "tool-kits"; it is far more significant to us than it appears to be to other primates. That implies that if SBH explains language, it must be only a part of the explanation. I'm sure the answer is far more complicated than what any one theory can offer.
Amanda Oldani
1/27/2016 08:48:55 am
Both the article by Dunbar and Shultz and the chapter by MacKinnon and Fuentes discuss how primates could have developed large brains due to the selective pressure for larger groups and social cohesion. The issue of niche construction was discussed heavily in the chapter and was a nice extension of what the article hinted at. I think the concept of niche construction is really interesting and important because it provides a more holistic explanation that is not static or linear. I like that it allows for a broad picture. I think that is important and relates to some of the issues that come with sociality and groups. The article discussed that there are often tradeoffs with group cohesion, where an individual may have to give up something for the good of another or the group. The book mentioned that this is often proactive, where an individual might give food to another, while also keeping food for himself. This makes me curious as to how far some species are willing to go to help others and how altruistic they may be. Topics like this, as well as other issues that arise from group activity, provide more insight into the complex relationships and networking in primates that could answer more questions about humans and brain size.
Amanda Oldani (2nd)
3/1/2016 12:34:07 pm
I think the topics of plasticity and variability are also important to add to my initial discussion of niche construction. Behavioral flexibility is important for any changing ecological and social pressures. Incorporating the niche construction with social intelligence theories is interesting to me. The book mentions a “ratcheting up” of social complexity; this sort of feedback loop as a “cognitive arms race” was mentioned in class. As members of a group understand advantages to cheating or manipulation, they influence the niche and the pressures on other members to understand different perspectives and to strategize. I am curious as to what kind of time frame this process requires and when it was first seen.
Catherine Lindsay Manson
1/27/2016 08:51:04 am
While I thought that "Evolution in the Social Brain" was an interesting article and covered the social and neurological developments of many types of mammals adequately, it left me with many questions about the human brain. Although it states in the article that researching these things in human social behavior would take much more extensive research and time, I feel that it would have been helpful to make some correlations between these mammals and humans. Another thing that I found myself wondering, as we discussed it in class, is how much brain growth do these species have after birth, and whether or not that would play a role in the type of sociality that these species have. I not only wonder about the brain growth, but also how much the size of the brain equates or leads social groups or social complexity.
Catherine Lindsay Manson
3/2/2016 08:59:08 am
After our class discussion I better understand how a larger brain can affect how an animal develops both social or mentally and physically. Dr. DeCaro provided a diagram and explained how the enlargement of the brain affects physical growth. It would have not occurred to me that a larger brain would have a causal affect on the maturation process, the size of the gut, what types of foods are consumed and how they found those foods. Our discussion also gave a graph of Relative Brain Size (RBS) and how that affects things like pair bonding. The article also talks about how pair bonding can have large risks as well as rewards, which I find fascinating.
Myra Barrett
1/27/2016 09:51:30 am
I thought this article was really interesting. I think that the concepts that were discussed can be applied to all human relationships, not just pair bonding. Every human relationship we have provides some sort of benefit. The section that discussed the importance of sharing the kind of reproductive workload made me think of our own friendships. Human social interactions require a certain amount of reciprocity to keep them maintained. This goes along with the principles discussed in the article. For example, it mentions that forming a beneficial group requires a “trade off of short-term losses in immediate benefits” in order to acquire long term gains.
3/1/2016 04:30:48 pm
I think it would be interesting to look at this theory in the context of "the selfish gene." Would exploitative individuals in a group have a better social cognition in order to keep reaping benefits from the group? Or would the lack of altruism eventually lead to a deficit in social learning?
McCallie L. Smith III (Trip)
1/27/2016 10:27:23 am
This article by Dunbar and Schultz is a phenomenal piece of academic literature, and is rightly so because of the clarity, and explicit use of non-deluted examples. Early on in the article the authors introduce the topic of the evolution of brain size in primates, and give the "traditional" or widely believed theories of why they would evolve. Those "traditional" theories are that large brain evolution was brought about by ecological factors/ecological problem solving, and developmental restraints. Before i had read this article I prescribed to those theories, but this article has gained my support. Meaning I agree with the authors when they attribute the evolutionary development of the primate brain to complex social groups and pairbonding. Returning to the "traditional" theories of brain evolution in primates, I felt it was a positive attribute in the article to not discredit those theories, but to absorb them as a part of a more grand theory, of which social size and complexity at the root of the theory with.
McCallie Smith III (Trip)
3/2/2016 07:07:28 am
As it can be seen from my original post I really liked this article, and I still do. I like this article for several reasons. The article is clear and direct in its porpoise, and presents supporting evidence well. Also, I really liked this article because it did contradict "old/traditional" theories, nut at the same time did not bash or discredit them but early expanded them, and to me in a more logical way. I am glad to have been exposed to and have read this article because without that exposure I would still be in support of the "old/traditional" theories on the evolutionary development of the primate brain.
10/20/2021 02:17:07 am
I found this article very interesting, thanks for sharing
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AuthorThis blog is group authored by Dr. DeCaro and the students in his ANT 474/574: Neuroanthropology. Archives
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